Blog Archives

jTransfo 0.3 released

This release features two extra integration modules and a small improvement. Registration of object finders has changed to make it more thread safe and consistent with registration of type converters. You now have to call updateObjectFinders after changing the object

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Season’s greatings

Best wishes for 2013!

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jTransfo 0.2 released

jTransfo 0.2 has been released. This release adds support for object finders and type conversion. You can register object finders which allow you to specify how base domain objects need to be obtained for a transfer object. The default (fall-back)

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jTransfo 0.1 released

This is the initial release of jTransfo. It supports the base annotations to indication how the transfer object can be converted to the domain object and vice versa. It always creates new domain object using the no-arguments constructor and requires

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